Foundations Preschool & Academy Events

Academy School Tour
Our group school tour date has passed. Individual tours are available by request by contacting the school. Call 423-596-0589 or Email Christie Gilliam
And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in.
Isaiah 58:12
F.P.A. exists to build the next generation by partnering with parents in educating their children to develop life skills and form a relationship with God, through scriptural teachings, wholesome interpersonal relationships, and service.
Helping children find their place in God's story.
I love that it is a Christian school and everyone cares about me and I care about them.
“Foundations Preschool & Academy has been an integral part of our son’s biblical education.
The children grow academically and spiritually in a safe and fun environment where they are
truly loved.
Our group school tour date has passed. Individual tours are available by request by contacting the school. Call 423-596-0589 or Email Christie Gilliam